Wednesday, March 11, 2009

La Montecchia 2007 Fior D'arancio Spumante

The Winery: La Montecchia
The Wine: 2007 Fior D'arancio Spumante
The Price: $19.00 at Jack Cellars

I was at Jack Cellars yesterday, and Jack suggested that I review a Spumante. Since I've never reviewed one before, I thought it was a good idea. So I picked up a bottle of La Montecchia.

One thing that really intrigues me about this winery is that you can rent a home at the vineyard. I'd love to do just that. They're located near Verona and Venice. What better way to spend a couple of weeks in Italy? Who's with me? Anyway, I encourage you to check out the winery's website.

It goes without saying, but this wine has a natural cork stopper. We're not drinking Andre here.

The wine is pale yellow, about the color of straw, with just an ever-so-slight tinge of green. The wine has very good clarity.

It has a fruity aroma, with scents of orange and honey. The smell is rich and sweet.

This is a very sweet wine. Best saved for dessert. Jack told me that it tastes a lot like a orange creamcicle. I doubted him. He was right. The orange flavor is a little subdued and tastes more natural. But it does have a definite creamcicle flavor to it.

This is a good, fun wine. It would go rather nicely with a chocolate volcano cake sort of dessert, or maybe just a bit of very dark chocolate.

This wine puts a whole new spin on sparkling wines for me. I've always been more into the Brut's that are so dry that they're a step below sand. But I have to say, this is very interesting and fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy you enjoyed the Spumante suggestion. I especially appreciate the "regular guy" approach to your reviews.
This Spumante has been a huge hit over the last few months. I look forward to further reviews!

Anonymous said...

My brother-in-law was given a bottle of the La Montecchia Spumante, and it is fantastic! A wonderful sparkling dessert wine that could be dessert all by itself. Wish it were more widely distributed, as I haven't found it in the rural area I live in. Might need to order some online.