Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Viu Manent 2007 Malbec

The Winery: Viu Manent
The Wine: 2007 Malbec
The Price: $6.99 (I think!) at The Wine Seller

This is the first of the wines that I picked up over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I've had Malbec on my mind lately. I saw several publications recommend it as a good accompaniment to the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I also sampled a couple recently at the Sips and Shoes charity event a few weeks back.

I've sampled several wines from Chile, but this is a new winery to me. This wine was surprisingly priced. The bottle has an embossed label, belying its sub-$10 price.

The bottle is, unfortunately, sealed with a synthetic cork. It wasn't a dense as some that I've encountered, so it didn't take TOO much effort to remove it from my Rabbit corkscrew.

In the glass, the wine appears appropriately colored for a Malbec. It's deep purple in color and has decent, if not spectacular, legs as I swirl it in my glass.

The wine has aromas of toast, cherries and blackberries. And it has a very slight but troubling odor of cat urine. I kid you not. Cat urine. That's one that I don't find on my wine aroma wheel.

This wine really doesn't have anything to recommend it. It's pretty bad. I has that crinkle-your-tongue quality of toothpaste with an OJ chaser. I'm trying to pick out flavors. I'm coming up blank. I've got nothing. It's just god-awful bad wine. With a nice label.

Excuse me while I go dump it down the drain.

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