Monday, December 22, 2008

R Wines 2007 Bitch Grenache

The Winery: R Wines
The Wine: 2007 Bitch Grenache
The Price: $11.99 at The Wine Seller

This is another wine from my Thanksgiving Weekend trip to Port Townsend. I bought it solely for the name. After nearly a week of unseasonably cold weather and snow, reviewing Bitch just seemed a cathartic outlet.

Bitch is imported from Australia. I could not get a good photo of the back of the bottle, but it says, "Bitch, bitch, bitch...and bitch some more." A total of 76 occurrences of "bitch" on the back label. Fits my mood about the weather quite nicely.

The wine is a medium intensity red color. Lighter than a Merlot or Pinot Noir.

The wine has aromas of plums and vanilla with a slight hint of cinnamon.

This is a fairly light, fruity wine. It has cherry and berry flavors with a pepper finish. It's not a great wine, but it's drinkable. I see it as more of a novelty wine than a wine you'd buy to drink. And at $11.99 it's priced right for your favorite mother-in-law or ex-girlfriend. :-)

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