Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cono Sur 2007 Pinot Noir

The Winery: Cono Sur
The Wine: 2007 Pinot Noir
The Price: $12.99 at The Wine Seller.

Cono Sur is a Chilean winery. This is the first Pinot Noir from Chile that I've ever seen. I didn't realize that there was any Pinot Noir production in Chile.

This wine is one of the wines offered by Cono Sur that uses sustainable agriculture practices in the production of their grapes. They say that they're using more natural methods of fertilizing and controlling pests and weeds.

The bottle is corked with a natural cork, topped with a fairly thick wax seal.

The wine looks fairly thin in the glass. It lets quite a bit more light through than other Pinot Noirs that I've encountered.

Despite the thin appearance of the wine, it is pretty aromatic. It has aromas of cherries, blackberries and prunes. It has the warm aromas typical of a good Pinot Noir.

As the thin appearance of the wine portends, this is a fairly thin Pinot Noir. It is too sweet and too thin. The predominant flavor of this wine is cherry, with a berry undertone. The flavor isn't bad, but it's just not very well developed. The wine seems watery and is lacking complexity. My recommendation is to pass on this particular wine. Chile produces many very good wines. But even at $12.99 I have a hard time recommending this as a Pinot Noir.

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