Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chateau Ste Michelle 2006 Columbia Valley Dry Riesling

The Winery: Chateau Ste Michelle
The Wine: 2006 Columbia Valley Dry Riesling
The Price: $8.99 on sale at my local Safeway (their regular price is $11.99)

I believe I've mentioned this before, but Chateau Ste Michelle is one of my favorite wineries. Besides making good wine, they also have a great outdoor concert venue. They seem to be expanding their wine offernings, and this wine is one that I've never had before.

I like the bottle that the wine comes in. The brown bottle with the yellow-orange label and bronze top create an autumnal feeling.

The wine is more yellow in color than a typical Riesling. It has scents of citrus fruit, apple and melon.

Being a dry Riesling, it is not nearly as sweet as a typical Riesling. It is predominantly a dry wine, with subtle hints of sweetness. The wine has flavors of apples and oranges (but that's like comparing apples to oranges...sorry, bad joke). And the wine snobs (not to mention the winery) will throw fits about this one, but I get the occasional flavor of...wait for it...watermelon Jolly Rancher candy. I swear. And I never thought I'd use that flavor in a wine review. All in all, this is a very good wine. It is so good that I will probably pick up a few bottles of it while it's on sale.


Bobbinoggin said...

you must live in the treasure valley.

Bobbinoggin said...

you must live in the treasure valley.