Saturday, May 31, 2008

French Rabbit 2006 Pinot Noir

The Winery: French Rabbit
The Wine: 2006 Pinot Noir
The Price: $9.99 at my local QFC

This wine review is for my sister, Julie. She sent me an email that said, "Yeah, I'd like you to check out the boxed wine!!! They're awesome!!!"

I know, of course, that she was not serious. But there are now some boxed wines that are supposed to be better than the Gallo or Almaden that most people associate with boxed wine.

This wine box is sized and shaped much like a regular bottle of wine, which means that it fits in my wine rack. The box is sealed by a plastic lid. When pouring, I found that it splashed quite a bit if I poured very quickly.

The wine is a dark red color, as you would expect from a Pinot Noir. The wine has scents of cherries, prunes and berries. The wine smells well balanced. The wine has primarily a cherry flavor, with a hint of prune and a mildly peppery finish.

Overall, the wine is pretty good for a $10.00 Pinot Noir. It isn't a premium Pinot Noir, and is probably slightly below average. But it's a boxed wine. And this definitely isn't your mother's boxed wine. While I probably wouldn't serve this to guests with a nice meal, it definitely has it's place. I can see myself buying this for trips to the beach, picnics, or for any other occasion where a light, non-breakable container would be convenient.

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