Thursday, April 3, 2008

Da Wine

Wow. I just discovered that there is now a line of Mike Ditka wines. I'm torn. I really, really want to review it. But I really, really don't want to pay $50 for a novelty wine. But I want to review it so very, very much. And I hope it's awful. A good Ditka wine would be much harder to review. A bad one would be a blast. I can see it now:

"This wine tastes like it was squeezed from William 'The Refrigerator' Perry's jockstrap. It is so bad that only a guy as tough as Mike Ditka could drink it. I think this wine is what Ditka uses to color his hair. The only thing that Ditka has done that is worse than this wine is the Bears 1969 1-13 season."

It could go on and on.

Of course, good or bad, the Bear/Ditka/Football analogies would be plentiful. And I promise, if I get a bottle of the stuff, I will be as unbiased as always.

You know I'm going to order a bottle eventually. It'd be a crime not to. But I'm having a hard time swallowing the $50 price tag (plus shipping!).

Mike - if you're reading this, send me a bottle! Please!

Oh, and did anybody notice that I figured out how to imbed pictures in the posts? Nice, huh?

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