Monday, January 7, 2008

Bosco Nestore 2003 Pan - Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

The Winery: Bosco Nestore
The Wine: 2003 Pan - Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
The Price: $13.99 at my local Costco

I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this wine. Most of the label is in Italian, so I was shooting in the dark when I selected it. It is also not a winery that I am familiar with.

The label has a primitive painting of Pan in purple on an orange background. The label is part of what drew me to this wine to begin with. That it was from Italy made it all the more enticing, given that I am still trying to expand my tasting beyond my little corner of the world.

This wine is made from 15% Cabernet Sauvignon and 85% Montepulciano grapes. The result is a very nice dry, red wine. The wine is a very dark ruby color. It has a pepper flavor on the front with flavors of cherry and strawberry. It has a very dry, nearly gritty, feeling on the tongue - not in a bad way. This is a good wine at a good price with the bonus of a cool label.


Unknown said...

Hi Brian,

Where is your local Costco, i can't find the Pan wine at $13.99.

Best Regards

Henry Kaszel
Associate Director of Sales and Marketing
Novatek International
tel: 514-NOVA-TEK(668-2835) ext. 3003
cell: 514-887-3195

Brian On Wine said...

Hi Henry,

I believe I bought that wine at the Issaquah, Washington Costco. It was 2 1/2 years ago, so perhaps the pricing has changed since then.
